Silverleaf was tired. He had been on the road all night and he almost regretted having accepted the wine  merchants request of delivering a couple of Ale caskets to the innkeeper of The angry Porcupine in Vanshire. But since he had some other business for Merlin, which involved a message for the mages guild, and an order for some reagents anyway, he had thought: 'Why not' He could always rest before returning to Merlin. When he crossed the marketsquare on his way towards the tavern, he heard a rumble from the inn, followed by a thumb, which made the ground shake under his feet. Silverleaf was not in the mood for trouble today. He just hoped he could get these caskets to the receiver and get over to the guildhouse before noon. He lifted the ale barrels with ease from the wagon, and with a barrel on each shoulder, he proceeded towards the door. With no hands free, he had to use one barrel to push the door open, gently as possible, but not gently enough. The door suffered a visible crack. The elf scowled. Now he wouldn't make the guildhouse in time to see the mage in time. He would have to fix the door before he  left. Stepping into the room, he immediately spotted the cause of the trouble. A young lizard man stood in a  posture of defense with knotted fists, while a large  man was picking himself up from the floor. There was an atmosphere of a peculiar mixture of antagonism and curiousity among the onlookers, but at the sight  of Silverleaf with his caskets, this changed to excited expectation. Rumors was told about this wood elf, with the incredible strength, and how trouble seemed to  follow him, wherever he went. A hushed silence fell on the room. The angry customer readied himself for another attack, but he never got that far. Suddenly he was lifted from the floor, and hung dangling in the air. He turned his head to see, who dared to subject him to such a disgrace and looked into a pair of calm grey eyes, which regarded  him as if he was some kind of insect. A moment later he was unceremoniously dropped, and for the second time that morning he had a not too gently meeting with the floor. Having removed the obstacle Silverleaf picked up the ale casket he had put down and went up to Elfirans  counter, where he put them down. "Could I interest you in a job? I could sure use a fellow like you", Elfiran said. "Have a drink on the house!" and put a mug of his finest in front of Silverleaf.  The young wood elf was about to answer, when he heard a noise from behind. This time the angry man was charging, and Silverleaf wondered, why the lizard man just stood there, and didn't make any attempt of a  counter attack, but resigned himself to pure defense. Then it hit him: he recognized the situation from his  first arrival to Tamriel. He had been set on getting along with the people, and only acted in self defense. But time had taught him that decisive action often was more  effective, and less painful in the end. This young man  was evidently as much a stranger in these surroundings as he himself had been then, and had adopted the same attitude. Only time would teach him to adapt. During these reflections, his mind had unconsciously lashed out and created a shield around the lizard man. It was difficult to tell, who was more surprised: the young lizard man or the big fellow, who felt his blows repelled by an invisible barrier. "Could I have another one of this?", Silverleaf asked Elfiran and indicated his ale. He took the new mug and his own, which he hadn't had time to drink, and went over to the man. "You must be tired" the elf said calmly, "why don't you take these with my compliment, and join your woman? I am sure, it's all a misunderstanding." And he led the sulking man back to his table, and with a ceremoniously bow to the flustering woman, Silverleaf returned to the lizard man, who was not quite sure, what had actually happened. It had all been so quick. "Here, let me", Silverleaf said, and grabbed the mug, who had turned over, when the man had risen. A moment later he returned and placed two large goblets of the new brew, he had brought, on the table. "I haven't had the time to introduce myself yet. I am Silverleaf Halfmoon, but Silverleaf will do. Sit down and have a drink with me. You have had a busy morning, I reckon. You don't look like any argonian I know.  May I know your name?  You must excuse my curiousity, but why was this man so bent on your destruction?"